Medical Departments

Naturopathic solutions that suit your everyday life.

Improve your quality of life.

Naturopathy emphasizes a holistic approach to health, focusing on more natural remedies and the body’s inherent ability to heal and maintain itself, which can lead to improved overall wellness and vitality. When you address the root causes of health issues rather than just treating symptoms, naturopathy can offer long-term benefits, including enhanced energy levels, better digestion, reduced stress, and a much stronger immune system.

  • Hormone Testing

    Hormone Testing Hormone Testing: What Kind is Best and Why Do You Need It? Getting hormone testing can be a very important step in diagnosing and treating a wide range of conditions, in both women and men. Traditionally, hormone testing has been done using blood samples.[...]

  • Thermography

    Thermography Services All women and mean can benefit from DITI (Digital infrared thermal imaging) for breast screening, Thyroid, Carotid Artery, Lymphatic. However, it is especially appropriate for women aged 30-50 years old, whose denser breast tissue makes it more difficult for mammography to be effective. This[...]

  • Naturopathy

    Naturopathic Services Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) combine the practice of modern medical science with natural approaches of healing and treatment. NDs embrace on the philosophy of using holistic, non-invasive forms of treatment that minimizes the risk of harm on patients. Their primary role is to determine the[...]

  • Hormonal Health

    Hormonal Health

    Hormonal Health A naturopathic doctor can help a patient address hormonal health by first conducting a thorough assessment to identify imbalances and underlying causes of hormonal issues. Then, they customize a holistic treatment plan that may include dietary recommendations, supplements, herbal medicines, and lifestyle modifications to[...]

  • Lab Assessments

    Lab Assessments NEXWellness offers a comprehensive approach to health assessments through a variety of specialized tests designed to pinpoint individual health concerns and optimize well-being. For hormonal assessments, they utilize detailed lab tests to evaluate hormonal imbalances that can affect mood, weight, and energy levels. Hair[...]

  • IV Therapy

    IV Therapy

    IV Therapy In the realm of naturopathic medicine, Intravenous (IV) therapy is a popular and effective treatment method for addressing a range of health issues, leveraging the direct delivery of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals into the bloodstream for maximum absorption. Among the various beneficial IV therapies,[...]

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